Friday, February 4, 2011

Moleskine recipe journal

I have just received my last Christmas gift from Amazon, a new recipe journal by Moleskine. I´ve used Moleskine notebooks for years and think they are the best. Just before Christmas I noticed that they had these new types of journals for recipe, wine, music etc. Others must have noticed those too, as they ran out of them. But now I am the lucky owner of two recipe journals!

Having collected recipes in various folders, notebooks, boxes for years, the first thing I noticed in this one was the index. All the pages are numbered and at the end there is an index you can fill. So this time, you can actually find the recipies fast rather that search for them from various locations like I´ve done for years. First part of the journal has a template you can fill, the rest are empty pages. There are also some funny stickers you can attach to your recipies. Compared to many other recipe journals, this one gives you a lot of flexibility with the stickers and empty pages to create and arrange something that looks like yours. I can´t wait to start filling mine!


  1. this looks nice! A very good idea indeed! By the way I really like your pictures, the cupcakes looked d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!

  2. Thank you Tuulia! I´ll try to keep this fresh and interesting in the future, too.
