Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lime cupcakes

How else could I start a food blog named lime & chocolate other than with a lime recipe. If you are making it to adults; Cointreau, Limoncello or other citrus liquor makes it even more intense. These are very moist, even better the day after.

This recipe makes about 14 cupcakes.

2 eggs
2 dl sugar
4,5 dl flour
1,5 tsp baking powder
1 dl of melted butter or margarine
2,5 dl quark
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 dl orange juice
1 tbs lime juice
(1 tbs Cointreau or other citrus liquor) optional

Beat the eggs and sugar, add the dry ingredients and then the rest. Check the taste. Divide into forms and bake in 175 degrees about 20 - 25 minutes. Let the cupcakes cool.

200g cream cheese
1 tbs butter or margarine
3 tbs icing sugar
1 tsp orange/lime juice
(a drop of Cointreau) optional

Grated zest of lime/lemon/orange

Mix the ingredients, check the taste and spread to cooled cupcakes. Garnish with grated zest.

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